Advanced Agronomy
Advanced Agronomy offers important insight to your operation. Utilizing information from tissue and soil sampling we can provide you with a customized fertility program. The fertility program is unique to your field and farm. Using variable rate applications we can ensure the fertilizer is placed where it’s needed most. With our leading edge precision agriculture software we are able to connect to My John Deere, Encrica, Climate FieldView, and send you prescriptions, soil test results, and other important information over the air in the matter of minutes to keep you moving.

Crop Management
Our certified crop advisers on staff will work one-on-one with you to make sure all of your crop needs are met. We specialize in nutrient management, weed identification, scouting for pest and disease pressure. We will make recommendations tailored to your farm based on soil type, hybrid selection, crop rotation, and geographical region. Through integrated pest management we can help you make economical and environmentally safe decisions that improve your bottom line and maximize yield.


Custom Application
At Cooperative Elevator Co. we have state of the art equipment and highly qualified licensed applicators to apply your crop inputs that your farm needs in the growing season. We can apply crop protection and plant nutrients for you in a safe, timely and efficient manner. We are also partnered with an independent, certified aerial applicator. Through custom and aerial application we are maximizing yields and improving the quality of your crop. We strive to reduce the risk of product drift by adding a deposition agent to ensure full coverage, and minimal error on every acre in ground and aerial applications.

Our CO-OP Brand dry bean seed is researched and hand selected by our elite breeders in Idaho. Once gone through an intense research program, the varieties are selected based on traits for our specific needs. They are then sent to be grown for seed production in Washington. Certified trained individuals work hard to bring us the best products in the dry bean market.

Financing Programs 2025
Input Financing Program for 2025
Click the Resources to visit more information on CFA and JDF

Producer Financing - JDF
Input Financing Program for 2025
Click the Resources to visit more information on CFA and JDF