Our team of marketing advisors will be here to assist you throughout every step of the selling process. Need to make a sale, pick up a check, and make it to the bank today? Ready for direct deposit and want to stop worrying about when your check will arrive in the mail? Cooperative Elevator Co. marketing department can help!

Cooperative Elevator Co. blankets Michigan’s thumb region with five grain receiving locations across three counties. Our Ruth, Elkton, Akron, and Pigeon locations have both inbound and outbound scale capabilities to keep up with busy harvests. If you’re looking for short wait times to unload your grain and fast service to keep your trucks moving at harvest, look no further than Cooperative Elevator Co.

With a wide variety of contracting options, we have the ability to help you choose what is right for you given any market situation. Please see our “learn more” page by clicking on the button below to see information on all of these options. Give us a call today and ask how we can help!
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